Building Stage Inspections Brisbane

Block clearing and preparation:

The clearing and shaping of your block in preparation for your new development, visual assessment to identify evidence that contaminated materials have not been left behind on the property, for example, asbestos containing materials like fibro and old pipework, building rubble and general waste left behind or mixed in with left onsite sub grade and ground material.

Confirm full and total removal of redundant above ground and inground structures, vessels, trees and the full part of their tap routes and all above and inground services and their redundant infrastructure.

Inspect and identify the need for temporary shoring or propping to existing structures and ground material for people and property protection.

Environmental field processes:

Control of water movement through the site with no unnecessary water invitation points to the higher levels of the property boundary and mid site diversions, controls and end point collection treatment capture and compliant site water runoff processes.

Identify and maintain flora and fauna habitat and vegetation protection or onsite wildlife relocation requirements.

Building pad and external surrounds ground preparation:

Inspect to verify inground services are appropriately positioned within block so not to cause failures or clashes with future services and structures, in accordance with building inspections Brisbane standards.

Pre pour slab and pavement inspections:

Cross reference project documents and drawings to ensure correct set out of building perimeter, concrete thickness, slab recesses and set downs and structural beam location and dimensions, all documented meticulously in the building inspection report to meet building inspections Brisbane standards.

The inspection of concrete steel re-enforcement for correct size, position, protrusion and any requirement for additional reinforcement for up stand hobs and re-entering corners and the like.

Confirm in-slab building services have been installed and positioned correctly to the project drawings with the appropriate support, separation, expansion, lagging and concrete cover requirements.

Confirm in-slab sundries and other building items are correctly secured and located within the proposed concrete slab or pavement area prior to the commencement of the concrete placement to the pour areas. Inspect items such as in-slab underfloor heating, under slab moisture vapour, termite pest barriers and protection layers are in place correctly and are of good working order and condition.

The checking of hold down and fixing point items for structural support bracing, bracketing, framing and other building attachment point items. check that these items are of the correct type and are within the position tolerances specified by the project’s specifications and working drawings.

Ensure full building slab and pavement areas are clean and clear of construction debris and materials. 

Structural framing and other partition type walls:

Inspect before closing around and covering with linings.

Ensure no cutting through structural supports without an approved process.

Confirm installation of important noggins and supports for second fit items, grab rails, joinery, AV equipment, operable items like operable walls, doors, shutters, screens and the like.

Insulation, confirm correct product, correct installation to correct areas and is safe with the correct separation from light fittings and other heat sources.

Waterproofing and moisture barrier items:

Inspect wet areas, bathrooms, balconies, concrete roof tops walls and floors, retaining and basement walls. Confirm application is to manufacturer’s requirements with regards to surface preparation priming and overlaying application rates and staging.

Confirm application is to the full extent of the areas required by the Australian Standards.

Assess areas of application are extended where required to ensure fit for purpose for your specific building design and function.


External and internal linings:

Ensure installed and fixed to the manufacturer’s requirements and specifications.

Ascertain whether or not vapour barriers and insulation layers are adequately in position.

Weather proofing items like over flashings, over lapping and joint sealing of connecting material points as specified by the relevant manufacturers, product providers and project documents.

building stage brisbane
joint sealing
building stage inspections brisbane
inspector checking for minor flaws and pest infestations
detailed building stage inspections conducted